United Arab Emirates
Liwa Heights, JLT Cluster W, office 3407-3408
Lots of offers at great prices
We have more than a million hotels in our database from dozens of different suppliers and under direct contracts. In most cases, the cost is much lower than directly at the hotel. We are sure you will find a suitable option.
How to search for a Stay?
Click on the button New service in your trip and in the drop-down box click on Stays.
You will be taken to a search screen where you will need to enter destination city or hotel details and dates of stay. Then click the Search button and, literally in 10 seconds, we will show you everything we could find.
Search result
Here you need to decide which hotel of the many suits you best. Use the filter and map to make it easier to find what you need.
Room selection
To select a room, click on the Select button in the hotel you like. On the right, a list of available rooms for booking with different conditions will open. To book a room, click on the Book button.
Booking hotel
In the hotel block, you will see the reservation period by which it must be booked. In order to book a hotel or annulate it, click on the appropriate button.
How to download Hotel voucher?
After you have booked the hotel, you can download the voucher. Of course, if you have notifications turned on, before you download it, it will be sent to you by email.
How to cancel Hotel?
To cancel a booked hotel, you must click Refund request, depending on the method of booking, will be canceled automatically or with the participation of a support service employee.