United Arab Emirates
Liwa Heights, JLT Cluster W, office 3407-3408
Create New trip
Let's move on to the main thing - we are going on a business trip!
How to make a trip and what you can do with it.
How to create a Trip?
You can create a trip from the desktop by clicking on the plus sign in the top menu.

Hover over the orange circle to learn more.
When you click on the button, a menu will open, the last item, just for us - we create a trip.
Also, you can search and arrange services without creating a trip - the points above.
This button also creates a trip
Entering travel information
In the pop-up window, fill in the details of your trip, they can affect accounting documents, available services and approval schemes.
What's next?
We will cover service registration and other functions in the following articles.