United Arab Emirates
Liwa Heights, JLT Cluster W, office 3407-3408
Your profile
Information, documents, miles cards, etc.
Your profile and the profile of any other employee contains information required for travel, documents and miles cards, department affiliation, travel policy and credentials.
How to open a profile?
Click on your initials in the top right corner and click Profile, it will open on the right.
Data in your card
Hover over the orange circles below, they will tell you everything
Here is your basic, which will be already filled in when you log in. We use it exclusively to arrange services for your trips.
Enter your passport details only once so you can easily and quickly arrange your business trip
Do you have a mile card? Enter it here and bonuses for all tickets will automatically be credited.
Password Change
When you first log in, we recommend that you change your password, at the very bottom of your profile you will see the inscription change password, click and a letter with instructions will arrive in your mail.