Tumodo – The Future of Business Travel

In the fast-paced world of business, time is money, and every minute counts.
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Tumodo is revolutionising the way companies handle employee travel by making streamlined, centralised travel management a reality. Read on to know how Tumodo is transforming the corporate travel landscape.


Centralising Employee Travel

Managing employee travel can be a logistical nightmare, especially when it comes to juggling flights, accommodations, and expenses. Tumodo offers a comprehensive solution to oversee one or multiple traveller logistics through its simple centralised dashboard where companies can oversee all employee travel plans in one place, greatly reducing emails and paperwork. You can customise your company’s travel policies to be compliant with Tumodo and seamlessly enforce work travel guidelines, along with ensuring that all travel plans align with the company’s objectives. Tumodo can also help streamline the approval process, making it efficient and hassle-free.

Cutting Out the Hassle of Receipts

Receipts can pile up quickly, and tracking them can be a headache. Tumodo simplifies expense management by replacing receipts with digital invoices. Employees have the option to directly upload their receipts on the app — thus securing all expenses in one place for future access. Tumodo also automatically categorises expenses, making it easy to identify where the company’s money is going and keeps track of expenses as they occur during travel, by providing real-time updates on employee spending and making timely adjustments where necessary.

App Features and Uses

Tumodo offers a suite of features that make business travel a breeze. Whether it is the compilation of each employee’s travel itinerary including flights, accommodations, and meeting schedules, or letting employees book hotels or ground transportation directly through the app ensuring 100% travel policy compliance, Tumodo is the platform you have been waiting for. Other features like travel alerts and emergency contact information along with automatic generation of detailed expense reports cuts down the possibility of errors and ensures streamlined after-travel procedures.

Seamless Integration

Tumodo doesn’t exist in a silo. It seamlessly integrates with other essential business tools like company calendars, accounting software, and travel booking platforms. This enables the company to be able to have a holistic view of employee travel schedules, ensure seamless expense reconciliation, and access exclusive deals on travel platforms.

The Future of Business Travel

Tumodo is the game-changer in terms of seamless and centralised corporate travel. Its streamlined travel management, hassle-free expense tracking, and a user-friendly interface, is the reason why Tumodo is fast becoming the future of business travel.

So, why continue navigating the complexities of employee travel the old way when you can embrace the future with Tumodo? Simplify your corporate travel management and empower your employees to travel smarter. Ready to revolutionise your company’s travel management? Discover the possibilities with Tumodo today!

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